
I've not seen ssh.exe abort in this fashion before.

I have a product which uses ssh without any problems (on about 2,500 servers),
but one troublesome server throws this exception.

** The command line is:
ssh -vvv -o 'stricthostkeychecking=no' -i authorized_keys2 -l myuser AServer ..

** The debug output, up to the crash-point is:
debug1: identity file authorized_keys2 type 2
debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version OpenSSH_3.7.1p1
debug1: match: OpenSSH_3.7.1p1 pat OpenSSH*
debug1: Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0
           16  [main] ssh 685 handle_exceptions: Exception:

** ssh.exe.stackdump contains:

exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=016E65A8
eax=00000000 ebx=0022F904 ecx=0022F904 edx=00000000 esi=00EF66F0 edi=00000001
ebp=00000144 esp=0022F84C program=C:\ProductName\ssh.exe
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame Function Args
 26681 [main] ssh 1020 handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
 28947 [main] ssh 1020 handle_exceptions: Error while dumping state
probably corrupted stack

** Running the same with strace, the output just up to the crash-point ...

 506 4789118 [main] ssh 537 writev: writev (3, 0x22FA00, 1)
  511 4789629 [main] ssh 537 wsock_event::prepare: 2291972 = 
wsock_event::prepare ()
  943 4790572 [main] ssh 537 handle_exceptions: In cygwin_except_handler exc
 0xC0000005 at 0x16E65A8 sp 0x22F84C
  481 4791053 [main] ssh 537 handle_exceptions: In cygwin_except_handler sig = 
11 at 0x16E65A8
  497 4791550 [main] ssh 537 handle_exceptions: In cygwin_except_handler 
calling 0x0
  646 4792196 [main] ssh 537 handle_exceptions: Exception: 
 2743 4794939 [main] ssh 537 try_to_debug: debugger_command ''
28673 4823612 [main] ssh 537 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to 

If anyone can shed any light on this, I'd be chuffed.

Thanks and regards,
Wayne McAuliffe

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