I updated my cygwin system on my W2K SP4 systemto the latest release of
cygwin and the man command started to display man pages as follows:

       ln - make links between files

       ESC[1mln ESC[22m[ESC[4mOPTIONESC[24m]... ESC[4mTARGETESC[24m
       ESC[1mln ESC[22m[ESC[4mOPTIONESC[24m]... ESC[4mTARGETESC[24m...
       ESC[1mln ESC[22m[ESC[4mOPTIONESC[24m]...
ESC[4m--target-directory=DIRECTORYESC[24m ESC[4mTARGETESC[24m...

Interestingly, the man pages previously cached in /usr/man/cat1 seem to
format just fine.  If I remove the cached version, I get something akin to
the above.

I suspect this is some sort of setup problem, but I have been unable to
track it down.  All involved commands seem to be up-to-date.

Andrew D. Hall
VP, Customer Services
KonaWare, Inc.
Tel: (650) 482-9122

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Description: Binary data

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