On Jan  6 20:03, Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:
> Ah jeez deFaria:
> > As an atheist I always wonder why christians can "turn the 
> > other cheek" 
> > but cannot seem to muster how to turn their eyes away!
> As a thinking man, I always wonder why atheists:
> 1.  Hate Christianity, yet harbor no such hatred towards all the other
> religions.
> 2.  Would squeal bloody murder if fortune spit out Bible verses, yet are
> *proponents* of having it spit out outrageously profane limericks which are
> offensive to Christians, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Men, Women, Children,
> Mothers, Fathers, Bosses, Frenchmen, and all breeds of dog in between.

The political correctness brainwashing machine has done its job
quite well, AFAICS.

Well, let's face it, I'm a woman.  I'm by definition one of the
disadvantaged groups of the society.  The joke is this, I'm not
at all offended by offensive jokes.  I don't have to laugh if I
don't like the joke, but I laugh also about jokes which are
so-called offensive.  So what?  As I wrote in another mail, 99%
of the jokes are in a way directed against anybody. 

And here's a couple of question:

  Where is the border between a "non-offensive" joke and an
  "offensive" joke?

  Who defines the border?

  If 80% of the worlds population is offended by a joke, is it
  an offensive joke?

  If 20% of the worlds population is offended by a joke, is it
  an offensive joke?

  If any one person on the world is offended by a joke, is it
  an offensive joke?

  If any joke can offend any one person on the world, are all
  jokes offensive?

  Should we forbid to tell jokes, so that the danger that anybody
  could perhaps be offended, is zero?

  Should we arrest joke tellers?

  Should we burn all existing books which contain jokes?

Do you get the message?


NB: Did anybody read "Fahrenheit 451" from Ray Bradbury?  It's not about
    jokes in the first place, but somehow this discussion reminds me
    of the book in a fatal way.

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