On Thu, 2005-01-20 at 11:07 +0100, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Jan 20 09:47, Adrian Cox wrote:
> > It would be useful if there was a forum for people who distribute
> > cygwin1.dll along with an application. I'm not very interested in the
> > whole Cygwin distribution, and I'm going to end up maintaining an
> > in-house fork of the code to solve my problems. I doubt I'm the only one
> > doing this, and I'll happily take it to a more appropriate list.
> But you're aware that you have to release the DLL and depending applications
> under the GPL, with all sources, aren't you?

No problem at all. My application is a GCC cross-compiler used as a code
generator behind a Windows front-end.


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