> On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 01:51:38 -0500 (EST), Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> | Should we, perhaps, provide a small 'uninstall' script, maybe in
> | /usr/sbin, that would perform a umount and then use regtool to remove the
> | registry key?  It could even be a .bat, which will enable it to delete all
> | of Cygwin once the last Cygwin process exits...  A postinstall script
> | could generate it, too, so that it contains explicit paths of the Cygwin
> | root directory.  

I like the idea of it at least saving mounts. And the paths should work
(note the "bin"). :)

------ BEGIN gen-uninst.sh ------
CYGDIR="`/bin/cygpath -aw /`"
mount -m > /saved-mounts.sh
cat > /uninstall.bat <<EOF
$CYGDIR\\bin\\umount -s -A
$CYGDIR\\bin\\umount -A
copy $CYGDIR\\bin\\cygwin1.dll $CYGDIR\\bin\\regtool.exe %TEMP%
copy $CYGDIR\\saved-mounts.sh %TEMP%
$CYGDIR\\bin\\rm -rf /
del /s $CYGDIR
%TEMP%\\regtool remove "/HKLM/Software/Cygnus Solutions"
%TEMP%\\regtool remove "/HKCU/Software/Cygnus Solutions"
del %TEMP%\\cygwin1.dll %TEMP%\\regtool.exe

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