Dave Korn wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Igor Pechtchanski
Sent: 23 January 2005 02:33

On Fri, 21 Jan 2005, Jonathan Arnold wrote:

1] Run "Day of Defeat" - connects and runs just fine.

2] Start rxvt.  Try "DoD" again. It gets about halfway
through its startup process, then hangs.

3] Quit rxvt and try again. "DoD" works fine.

I tried the same procedure with the regular Cygwin bash
shell, and it behaves the same way.
Any ideas on what it could be?

Seriously, though -- must be something in the Cygwin DLL inner workings
that's doing this, and it can't be the networking subsystem (as 'sleep'
doesn't use it, AFAIK). One guess is that Cygwin interferes

Igor -

  Remind me, what was the name of that really crappy PFW software that has
resource leak problems and is always messing up when cygwin apps come into the

Jonathan -

What PFW software are you using?

I'm not exactly sure what "PFW" stands for, but if it means what firewall am I using, then the answer would be I'm using a Netgear Firewall Router, and am not using a software based solution.

Jonathan Arnold     (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Amazing Developments       http://www.buddydog.org

I feel like a fugitive from the law of averages. -
 William H. Mauldin

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