Steve Munson schrieb:
Installing the newest version of cygutils (1.2.6-1) removed
/bin/readlink, as explained in the ChangeLog entry for 1/31/05. I
thought the remedy would be to reinstall coreutils (5.2.1-5), which
cygcheck now reported as incomplete. However, setup.exe refused to
reinstall it. The spin button only presented the options to Keep and
Uninstall, no matter which view I used. Finally, I used the spin button
on the Base category in the Category view to select Reinstall for the
whole category, and then selected Keep for the rest of the packages in
the Base category individually. Clicking the Next button displayed a
message box with this error:

Fatal Error: Uncaught Exception
Thread: install
Type: St16invalid_argument
Message: URL Scheme not registered!

Thanks for the report. Filed as bug #717 -- Reini Urban

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