Christopher Faylor wrote:
To help preserve my tenuous grasp on sanity, please reply to *this
thread* when reporting problems.  Please don't start a new thread.  Just
reply here so that mailing list threading is preserved and I can easily
check for all success or error reports.  As before, any kind of report
is welcome but it is unlikely that I'm going to spend a lot of time
debugging problems that I can't reproduce.

It looks somewhat promising here. My main use case is building Python from CVS, and previously it tended to die somewhere in the autoconf script. With the latest snapshot, ./configure and make both worked, and it made it at least part of the way through the Python regression tests.

It made it through Python's which should be giving the pipe handling a decent workout, but appears to have died in (the shell stops using any CPU time, which is rarely a good sign). The bash shell also won't respond to any of Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Z or Ctrl-Break. The close button works, but I figure Windows is taking care of that one.

This seems to happen even running that test from the bash shell with the standard Cygwin python 2.4:

$ /usr/lib/python2.4/test/ test_threadedtempfile
<hangs here until I close the window>

Using the windows Python 2.4, the test completes inside a couple of seconds:

C:\>\python24\Lib\test\ test_threadedtempfile
1 test OK.

Of course, I don't actually know if this is a related problem or not. I'm hoping Chris can check it easily, since it happens with the standard Cygwin Python, not just with the version I built from Python's current CVS.


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

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