Hello, Everybody.

Maybe I am in wrong group, sorry for this - please point me to correct one. Anyway...

I am trying to do an example from Osborne GCC, The Complete Refference about creating a shared library under cygwin.

I have:

#include <stdio.h>
void shellofirst(void) {
        printf("The first\n");

#include <stdio.h>
void shellosecond(void) {
        printf("The second \n");

void shellofirst(void);
void shellosecond(void);
int main() {

and the shell:
gcc -c -fpic -shared shellofirst.c shellosecond.c
gcc -shared shellofirst.o shellosecond.o -o hello.so
gcc stwohellos.c hello.so -o hello.exe

when I run that shell, I have:

$ ./xxxx.sh
cc1: warning: -fpic ignored for target (all code is position independent)
cc1: warning: -fpic ignored for target (all code is position independent)
hello.so(.text+0x0):crtstuff.c: multiple definition of `___do_sjlj_init'
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/crtbegin.o(.text+0x0):crtstuff.c: first de
fined here
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Interestingly, that if I remove a 'shellosecond.c' -- I have success.

What I am doing wrong?

With best regards,

Alexei Kozlov

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