Hello all,
  I've been attempting to install cygwin on a Windows 98 machine, but
although it appears to complete the installation, I suspect that the
setup scripts at the end are not run since the resulting bash shell is
very bare and none of the commands seem to work (no paths set?).  I
have tried running setup several times and I get slightly different
results, - sometimes it crashes with a  "cygwin1.dll error", sometimes
it reports that the installation is finished and sometimes it doesn't.
  I am hoping to use cygwin for the AVR cross-compiler development
suite so I only need basic functionality.
 Can anyone offer any hints to find out what's going on?

Thanks a lot

On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 10:40:39 +0000, Jason Pearce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually there is is problem with this binary I posted, it crashes near
> the end of the install (although the install does seem to work).
> I don't *think* it is my patch because I have the same results when I
> compile a clean CVS checkout. I have to look further into it before I
> can comment any further, but for now I am removing that binary.
> Jason Pearce wrote:
> > Here is a link to a compiled version of my patch from a few days ago.
> > While I can't imagine what could go wrong, I dont have any detailed
> > knowledge of setup.exe and I have not tested this compile very
> > thoroughtly yet! (ie you have been warned, but use if it helps).
> >
> > http://www.btinternet.com/~jasebob.pearce/cygwin/setup.exe
> >
> >
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