> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jacob Lane, MCP
> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 9:54 AM
> To: cygwin@cygwin.com
> Subject: GCC header libraries ... ?
> All,
> Sorry if this is a newb question, but I am somwhat new to 
> Cygwin and trying to write / compile programs using GCC. One 
> thing I noticed is that when I try to compile code from 
> others, I seem to be missing some header libraries.
> For example, in one recent program:
> #include <arpa/nameser.h>
> I have had others tell me that on their native Linux 
> installs, they have the nameser.h library -- so it seems to 
> be just me (using Cygwin) that is having the issue.
> My question is: if I run into this situation (1) what is the 
> best way to find and get the needed libraries, (2) is there 
> something within the Cygwin installer or docs that tells me 
> what libraries are installed with what package, etc?

In this particular instance, I think the issue you're running into is that
Cygwin uses newlib instead of glibc (the GNU C library used on Linux).
Glibc tends to be more comprehensive in the networking department.

Gary R. Van Sickle

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