On Fri, Apr 29, 2005 at 08:19:45PM -0500, Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:
>Dude, seriously, get over me.

Here's how email works.  You send email.  Someone either responds or
doesn't respond.  For a while I didn't respond but you kept sending.

I'm responding now.  I'm trying to do so in the fashion that you have

I think I'm doing just what you wanted.  I'm using you as an example
for how I should comport myself.

I haven't yet gotten to the point where I feel comfortable speculating
about your sanity or questioning your childhood.  I am thinking about
maybe branching out and commenting on your hygiene or maybe imagining
some kind of comical drinking problem, though.

Oh, wait.  I forgot to demand something from you.  How can I claim to
be trying to emulate you if I didn't demand something?

Where's the apology for using the name of the Lord in vain?  Afraid to
admit you were wrong?


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