On Tue, 10 May 2005 18:00:19 +0200 (CEST),  wrote:

>I have updated the tetex suite to version 3.0.0-3.  This is a bugfix
teTeX is a complete TeX distribution for UNIX compatible systems, maintained by 
me, Thomas Esser. It
is based on the web2c distribution which is currently maintained by Olaf Weber.

My main aims when putting this distribution together have been: 
provide a TeX system that consists only of Free Software 
create something simple to install, use and maintain 
include as much useful documentation as possible 
test as much as possible and try to avoid bugs

zzapper note AFAICS TEtEX is a suite and does not affect your choice of the 
which of various
flavours of Tex you use ?!?

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