Igor Pechtchanski schrieb:
On Mon, 16 May 2005, Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:
This I do: Those are just mount table entries.  Memory usage won't change
regardless of the number or size of files in the directory a Cygwin mount
table entry points to.  So there's no consequence there.

True for the actual disk space usage. However, if "du -s" is used from the root, it will traverse both "/bin" and "/usr/bin", and add up the numbers (so you get the size of /bin counted twice, same for /lib). Igor

Hmm, du -ls is for duplicate traversal on hardlinks.
Without -l (default: opt_count_all=0) it should IMHO be fixed to ignore the second /usr/bin

$ ls -id /bin /usr/bin
2533274790648232 /bin  2533274790648232 /usr/bin

Same inode, so it's easy to check.

mkdir -p /tmp/test/test1 /tmp/test/test2
cd /tmp/test
# junction or mount is the same here
junction `cygpath -w /tmp/test/test1` test3
cp ../* test1/
ls -i
  22236523160786906 test1   9288674232096745 test2  22236523160786906 test3
# test2 is empty, test3 hardlinked to test1
$ du
2636    ./test1
0       ./test2
2636    ./test3
5272    .
$ du -l
2636    ./test1
0       ./test2
2636    ./test3
5272    .

=> coreutils bug with du opt_count_all=0 ?

Reini Urban

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