Brandon J. Van Every wrote:

I have a reasonably healthy Cygwin installation that I typically use to
build various HLL compilers.  One of these compilers needed the "zip"
tool in order to be built.   So I fired up Cygwin and clicked to install
"zip."  Well, instead of doing just that, it also started installing
Ruby, and TeTex, and seemingly a whole bunch of other things.  I know
for fact that the simple "zip" tool is not dependent upon this stuff, so
I am wondering why Cygwin is installing it all.

It is irritating because I'm on a dialup, and I just wanted to grab the
small "zip" tool and keep going with my real work.  Instead I'm waiting
waiting waiting waiting on piles of downloads that I'm too lazy to go in
and figure out.

Guesses and conjectures:

- is Cygwin pushing new versions of stuff I previously downloaded?  That
would be BAD.  That would mean that every time I use a dialup, I'm
likely to get more new stuff that takes a long time to download that I
don't really want.

Yes. There is a radio button in setup.exe called 'Keep', toggle it and then switch to the 'Full' view using the 'View' button to get the complete package listing, now select zip.

- is Cygwin just fulfilling a broken download I started earlier?  I did
try to grab TeTex the other week, and I thought it finished, but I never
did use it or test it.  In this case, I'd really like to prioritize my
downloads.  When I download "zip," for me that means "I want zip NOW."
 I don't want it in alphabetical order.

HTH, Gerrit -- =^..^=

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