Alireza Ghasemi wrote:

> I have compiled some network programs and libraries with cygwin.But it seems
> that they don't work properly.for example Prozilla never begins downloading
> and
> always says it can't resolve host(while host is available for other
> programs).
> or libspopc test programs say "Operation not permitted".libyahoo2's exe test
> file says stackdump.whois says "No whois server is known for this kind of
> object.".Although some little and sample programs work well with
> localhost.Are these abnormal?Is the culprit my firewall?(I use Sygate
> Personal firewall).Do I need any package to download?

When porting software you often have to deal with small bugs and
inconsistencies due to the fact that some programs are not written for
portability or they make assumptions about the execurtion environment
that are true under linux but not Cygwin.  It has nothing to do with the
network code in Cygwin, which works just fine, as evidenced by the
multitude of networking applications offered by setup.exe that all
work.  Some programs can be ported to compile out of the box with no
patching but most require a small amount of tweaking.


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