On Wed, 25 May 2005 11:58:45 -0700, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:

> On Wed, May 25, 2005 at 11:28:43AM -0700, Karl M wrote:
>> Hi All...
>> While looking at my PATH environment variable (in response to the recent 
>> postings about sshd and environment variables), I noticed that "." was 
>> included.
>> It was caused by a double ; ( a ";;" sequence) in my PATH as defined in the 
>> Windows XP My Computer Properties panel.
>> It is not an immediate problem, but it seemed a bit odd.
> This has been discussed here before; IIRC (and I may not), the . is
> the equivalent of what windows does.  An empty entry in the windows
> path (;; in the middle or ; at the beginning or end) makes it search
> the current directory.

Definitely not.

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