Hi Dave, 

From: Dave <d_inabox !at! yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 15:09:27 -0700 (PDT)
::>chere adds a "bash here" context menu just fine. However:
::>1) You have to click on a folder icon, clicking in a folder
::>   that's open does not work
::>2) It opens the shell not in the folder you clicked on, but
::>   in the parent folder
::Thanks for the report. Now how did that go unnoticed? More explicit 
::to reproduce:
::1) In the LH pane of Explorer, select a folder with subdirectories
::   (eg c:\windows).
::2) In the RH pane, right click a subdirectory and select Bash here.
::   (eg system32).
::Bash will start in the parent directory (c:\windows)

Wow, was that a bug?
I thought that was the chere's feature,
which I'm now got used to... oh well ;-)

::A known workaround is to specify -1 (that's a one) when invoking chere. 
::as noted in the documentation this won't work properly if you use ash or tcsh.
::Or if you try to open a network location.
::I'm restructuring the script at the moment and have a fix in mind. Hopefully 
::will be ready for release sometime soon.
::chere maintainer

Big THANK YOU for creating and maintaining chere for us.

           _ _    Munehiro (haro) Matsuda
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