On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 09:03:42PM +0200, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
>I couldn't find it on Google and I feel it's a different thing than
>running Linux X applications (like xterm etc.), which is done by Cygwin/X.
>Is it possible to "display" Windows program on Linux via ssh / X?
>What I mean, normally we do something like that:
>windows_cygwin$ ssh -l user linuxbox -X
>linuxbox$ xterm
>and we start xterm on Linux, but it is displayed by a Windows X server.
>I want to do something in an opposite direction: start Windows apps on
>Linux display:
>linuxbox$ ssh -l user windows_cygwin -X
>windows_cygwin$ notepad
>windows_cygwin$ iexplore.exe
>And these Windows applications would be displayed on my Linux.
>Is it possible with Cygwin?

No.  This is not a goal for Cygwin.


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