On 14/06/05, Thorsten Kampe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * wen (2005-06-14 14:55 +0100)
> > it shows bash-2.05b$ when i double click on cygwin.
> > in general, it should show something like this
> >
> > in the 1st case, i cannot use ls.exe command while it lies under the folder
> > C:\cygwin\bin

That probably shouldn't happen. In such cases, I usually don't worry
about finding out what exactly has happened. I move the stuff I want
to keep from my home directory to somewhere outside Cygwin's
directories (hopefully not forgetting any config files I've
customized). Then I use setup.exe to uninstall everything, then I
delete 'C:\Cygwin' (or whatever) using Windows Explorer, probably give
it a reboot for luck, then run setup.exe again to reinstall
everything, and move my files back.

Best regards,

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