On 6/7/05, Christopher Faylor  wrote:
> >I've been off of the developer list for a while now, and now the
> >archives are subscriber only.  :-(
> Joshua, any chance I could get a FAQ entry about this?

I've updated "What Cygwin mailing lists can I join?" with a 
better description. Old language was "If you are going to help
develop the Cygwin library by volunteering for the project, you 
will want to subscribe to the Cygwin developers list,
called cygwin-developers."

New language is "There is also a low-volume list called
cygwin-developers which is reserved for knowledgeable people who
regularly contribute to the Cygwin DLL. Please do not ask for
read-only access to this mailing list."
> >However, it was NTFS-specific and Cygwin went a different
> >route (which has path length limitations, but I digress).
> And, Joshua could I get a FAQ entry about this, too?  

OK, I added some about managed mounts. I've never really
used them myself, but this is the example I came up with for 
the FAQ that seems to work fine:

mkdir /managed-dir
mount -o managed c:/cygwin/managed-dir /managed-dir
cd /managed-dir/
touch makefile
touch Makefile

Are managed mounts prime-time enough to be put in the
--help statement and users guide with caveats?

Unsubscribe info:      http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple
Problem reports:       http://cygwin.com/problems.html
Documentation:         http://cygwin.com/docs.html
FAQ:                   http://cygwin.com/faq/

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