I have been running sshd on Cygwin for over a year now. I always keep
my Cygwin installation up to date.

Recently, remote ssh connections into the Cygwin box have been
disconnecting. It is very inconvenient! I see an error message in the
Windows "Application" event log:

      [23910] sshd
         Type:     ERROR 
         Computer: OWL
         Time:     2005-07-14 2:05:34 PM   ID:       0 
         User:     NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
      sshd : PID 936 : fatal: Timeout before authentication for xxx.xxx.xxx.107

      [23909] sshd
         Type:     ERROR 
         Computer: OWL
         Time:     2005-07-14 2:05:34 PM   ID:       0 
         User:     NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
      sshd : PID 3520 : fatal: Timeout before authentication for xxx.xxx.xxx.107

In the above, xxx.xxx.xxx.107 is the address of the remote machine.

On the remote machine, "ssh" is invoked as:

      sh -l david `cat $HOME/owladdress.txt` \
                      -D 12345 \
                      -L 465:guess.obscured.net:465 \
                      -L 995:guess.obscured.net:995 \
                      -L 23456:localhost:23456 \
                      -N \

This is a recent problem. It could be a network issue, but I'm
concerned that the OpenSSH packages under Cygwin might be in trouble.

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