
On Tue, 26 Jul 2005, Krzysztof Duleba wrote:

> In the latest release of mc, subshell isn't working. Ctrl-O just shows the
> background. However, if I build mc myself from the sources, subshell works
> fine.


> Why is background disabled? And why ncurses instead of S-Lang?

Because using the subshell  leaves stale subshell processes and each
time I start to debug this problem I get nowhere due to lack of time.
The problem is pretty complex. Hopefully I'll find the time to find a
solution for it. And btw you are wrong - the MC package has subshell
support but it is disabled by default. Try `mc --help' .

As for slang vs. ncurses - because Cygwin has a working ncurses package
that has proven itself over the time. I've compiled and used slang on
Cygwin and it seems to work fine but I haven't done any serious testing.
Why do you think slang should be used instead of ncurses ? Almost all
functionality that is available with slang is also available with ncurses.
The only thing that doesn't work currently if MC is build agains slang is
the `--color' option. Besides, MC actually uses the curses api to draw the
screen - slang is used trough a set of wrappers which emulate the
necessary subset of curses calls.

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