----Original Message----
>From: Julie Lee
>Sent: 04 August 2005 17:15

> Everything I find says to re-install or update. I don't know what else
> to do. Any help is welcomed.

  You need to install or update.  You just need to do it _right_, is all.
If you're seeing _getreent complaints, then you *must* have an out-of-date
version of something, somewhere on your system.  There's simply no two ways
about it: the current cygwin gcc and the current cygwin dll *do* work
together.  Randomly borrowing unknown versions of the dll from a friend and
putting them in your system is a very bad idea and can only have made things
worse or not made any difference at the very best.  That's not a great
risk-to-reward ratio.

  Of course, if you had followed the instructions at
http://cygwin.com/problems.html, and sent your cygcheck output as an
attachment, I wouldn't have to use my ESP to tell you that you have an old
version of cygwin gcc earlier in your $PATH setting than cygwin's /bin
directory, which is getting found first, and which references the _getreent
API that used to exist in the versions of cygwin that were current when your
old version of cygwin gcc was compiled.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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