
On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, znort wrote:

> Could you tell/help me why the little code :


> Under cygwin gcc version 3.4.4 (cygming special) and Linux with gcc 3.3.5
> same "strange" results... (no segmentation fault with cygwin anyway)
> (notes : Under Solaris x86 (gcc3.4.4) it works perfectly !?)
> I think I've forgotten something but where ?

See the attached file - it is modified version of your program. When the
second SIGSEGV occurs SIGSEGV signals are blocked. This is because you
exited the signal handler via a longjmp() and the signal mask is not
cleared. To do what you want you must use sigsetjmp/siglongjmp pair of
calls or remove SIGSEGV from the list of blocked signals.
#include <signal.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>

/* jmp_buf context; */
sigjmp_buf context;

int yog(int n)
   char *p=NULL;

   printf("pass %d\n", n);

   if (n<=2)
     return 1;

   strcpy(p, "dfldflflmflkklfklflkmfdlfldfldlfdlkfd");        // must crash of 
course !!!
   return 1;


void resume(int sig)
/*   longjmp(context, 6); */
   siglongjmp(context, 6);
   //signal(SIGSEGV, resume);


int main(void)
   int sig, i;
   char *x=NULL;
   sigset_t nset, oset;

   for (i=0; i<3; i++)
     /* Remove SIGSEGV from the list of blocked signals if you use 
      * setjmp/longjmp instead of sigsetjmp/siglongjmp. */
     sigemptyset (&nset);
     sigaddset(&nset, SIGSEGV);
     sigprocmask (SIG_UNBLOCK, &nset, &oset);
     signal(SIGSEGV, resume);
/*     sig = setjmp(context);*/
     sig = sigsetjmp(context, 1);

     if (sig == 0)
       //return 555;
       fprintf(stderr, "ouch -- signal %d\n", sig);

   return 0;

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