On Sep 16 11:08, Hommersom, Fred wrote:
> Thanks for the replies so far. Unfortunately is the best option (set
> variables in bash) not feasable.
> The .bat file is a complex set of bat files with logic inside so that
> would take a lot of effort to convert
> But I have done some experiments with bash without --login option and
> the advised export -p.
> The number of variables itself does not seem to be the problem.
> The length of the values is also important. So to get an idea what is
> going on I have
> incremented the number of variables up to the point where export -p
> still gives the right output.
> Now I add 1 character at a time to a value and tested export - p.
> Only the built-in commands work now. All others end with "Resource
> temporarily unavailable"
> There comes a point where adding 1 more character ends up with:
>     138 [main] bash 2556 handle_exceptions: Exception:
>     887 [main] bash 2556 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to
> bash.exe.stackdump
> The stackdump contains
> Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=61014DEE
> eax=00246000 ebx=10012910 ecx=00000003 edx=00245FFF esi=00000000
> edi=6110A1C4
> ebp=0022EEE8 esp=0022EE90 program=c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe, pid 2556,
> thread main
> cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003B gs=0000 ss=0023
> Stack trace: Frame     Function  Args
> 0022EEE8  61014DEE  (00000000, 00000000, 0022EF18, 61087B02)
> 0022EF18  61068028  (00000000, 00000000, 7C90EE18, 7C919AF0)
> 0022EFD8  61004B16  (0022EFF0, 77D70467, 77D49A18, FFFFFFFF)
> 0022FF88  6100594F  (00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)
> End of stack trace

The stackdump isn't very useful unless there's debug information
available, which isn't for 1.5.18.  Would you mind to try the same
with the latest snapshot DLL,


and report back if either the problem is solved or if not, send the
resulting strace?


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