On Fri, Sep 16, 2005 at 08:04:57PM +0200, Hommersom, Fred wrote:
>Perhaps I do not understand it.  I was talking about invoking cygin
>from native.  The native environment grows far over 32 k.  It just does
>not show up in bash.  If I can help by testing the new snapshot: please
>supply some hints.

AFAICT, Eric is getting sidetracked into issues that are not related to your

You can help by running the new snapshot under strace, like you did before.


>>On the other hand, POSIX would claim that this usage should be failing
>>with E2BIG, not EINVAL.  So it looks like Windows does have a hard
>>limit at total environment
>size of 32k (in spite of their documentation never mentioning it), but
>that cygwin could do better at reporting the error when trying to
>invoke a native process.

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