On 9/15/05, Siegfried Heintze wrote:
> In other words, is the process of submitting documentation documented? Does
> one use the GNU texi or SGML docbook or some other format? I've been curious
> about these tools for years but have never used them.

It depends on what you're documenting. As Eric noted, for libc functions you
submit a patch to the newlib mailing list and then it trickles into Cygwin via
my cygwin-doc package. For the Cygwin-specific functions, the documentation
is in the Cygwin CVS <http://cygwin.com/cvs.html> and is written in 
XML DocBook. Unfortunately there have been no updates to this documentation
in a long time, I would love to see more. (And, if you want to learn more about
DocBook, I recommend the in-progress Fedora Documentation Guide
<http://fedora.redhat.com/participate/documentation-guide/> --obviously
there are differences in Cygwin specifics but introduction to the tools and 
the parts about the tags and style are very helpful.)
> Is it a simple matter of cutting and pasting from linux (e.g. fedora) man
> pages or does one have to go to the source code and extract the copious
> comments there and just reformat them into man pages?

As others have noted, Cygwin usually tries for POSIX conformance so the
Linux man pages are usually good enough but might disagree at times. 
I suppose I should build some sort of placeholder man pages pointing to
the POSIX website. 

Anybody want to write a script to do it?

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