On 1-Oct-2005 5:28, Eric Blake wrote:
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According to Charles Wilson on 9/30/2005 10:07 AM:
cygstart was contributed by Michael Schapp, who is still around but
doesn't post often.  cygstart, aside from its option handling, is a very
simple app.  The core routine just uses the Windows 'ShellExecute'
function on the specified file.  Windows is then responsible for looking
up the associated application in the registry, starting it, and causing
it to load the specified file.  I don't see how anything in cygwin
itself can affect that.

By the way, there is an outstanding cygstart patch that has yet to be
applied, at:

Chuck, could you be so kind to apply this patch and release a new version at your convenience?

(There's another outstanding patch in <http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-talk/2005-q2/msg00271.html>, but I bet that one won't make it in. :-) )

Thanks in advance,

- Michael

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