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According to Herb Martin on 10/18/2005 5:53 PM:
> The context of the discussion was in use files requiring
> a reboot to complete the update so (obviously) I mean:
> Would it be considered a bug if all CygWin services, shells,
> and apps are shutdown but a reboot is still required by
> Setup?

Setup requires a reboot only when Windows reports that a file that was
being replaced was in use at the time.  Therefore, if setup requires a
reboot, then you didn't properly shut down all cygwin services, shells,
and apps.

>>>I had to use source to compile a module with different from default 
>>>How can that module be installed so that Setup will STOP trying to 
>>>replace it?
>>Don't use the same location as the packaged version.

The normal plan of attack is to install something into the /usr/local
hierarchy if you intend for your version to trump the distro's version (in
fact, most packages choose this by default if you don't pass any arguments
to ./configure) - here, if you pick up an update from the distro, your
(now older) version will still be used.  On the other hand, install
something into the /usr hierarchy if you intend to replace the distro's
version with your own, where an update from the distro will wipe out your

> So what is the method to teach Setup that the file
> has been updated.

Why does setup need to be taught?  However, you may be looking for
/etc/setup/installed.db; edit that for the package in question to tell
setup.exe that the installed version has the same version number (or
greater) than what setup.exe can offer from the mirrors.

- --
Life is short - so eat dessert first!

Eric Blake             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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