Arend-Jan Westhoff wrote on Monday, October 24, 2005 6:38 PM:

> At 11:27 2005-10-24 +0200, Joerg Schaible wrote:
>> Hello Subversion maintainer,
>> the subversion client does unfortunately not respect text mounts.
>> Checking = out form a remote repository all text files have unix line
>> endings although=  they have the property svn:eol-style set to
>> native. This is a major hassle=  in a build environment where also a
>> lot of non-Cygwin tools have to be use= d.
>> - J=F6rg
> Hello Joerg,
> Am not the Subversion maintainer, but have some possible workarounds:
> 1. Use the native Windows subversion. (I do.)

I do normally also, but I have now the need to work on binary and on text 

> <>
> 2. Use u2d (d2u).

Not any text file may have svn:eol-style=native. So this is not an option.

- Jörg

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