On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 12:07:21PM -0400, Volker Quetschke wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>>Volker Quetschke wrote:
>>>>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>>>>On Wed, Oct 19, 2005 at 03:45:30PM -0400, Volker Quetschke wrote:
>>>>>Given the number of changes that have been made to cygwin, particularly
>>>>>in /proc handling, it's very difficult for me to believe that you are
>>>>>not seeing *any* differences in behavior and
>>>Well, there are differences in the frequency of occurrence of the hangs.
>> I missed this the first time.  Are you saying that hangs are more likely
>> with recent snapshots?
>> In any event, could you try the 2005-10-22 snapshot?  It doesn't fix anything
>> but I moved some of the strace printfs around in a probably vain attempt to
>> see what was hanging.
>We tried the 20051023 and 20051024 snapshots. The 20051024 hangs significantly
>faster than the 20051023 and also at different commands (Not only the standard
>"tcsh -fc pwd") even though the example here hangs again at that place.
>As a sidenote, these last two snapshots are also easier to "unhang",
>one "ls /proc/<hangpid>/fd" is enough.
>I only paste/attach the 20051024 info, if there is interest I can also send
>the 20051023 info.
>      540       1     540        540  con 11290 16:37:13 /usr/bin/bash
>     1452     540    1452       3836  con 11290 16:37:18 /usr/bin/tcsh
>     3960    1452    3960       2508  con 11290 17:35:23 /usr/bin/perl
>     3180       1    3180       3180  con 11290 17:37:19 /usr/bin/bash
>     3384    3960    3960       3416  con 11290 17:37:23 
> /cygdrive/e/work/OOo/SRC680/solenv/wntmsci10/bin/dmake
>     2624    3384    3960       2912  con 11290 17:37:23 /usr/bin/tcsh
>     3596    2624    3960       3596  con 11290 17:37:23 /usr/bin/tcsh
>     2100    3180    2100       1000  con 11290 17:37:49 /usr/bin/tcsh
>     4008    2100    4008       2520  con 11290 17:38:15 /usr/bin/ps

I would like to see the old strace and any other straces you have to see
if there's any pattern to something I'm noticing.

I don't see any large times being reported at the beginning of the strace.
I'd expect that if you notice the hang, attach to the process, and then
do the "ls /proc/<hangpid>/fd".  Can you give me a feel for times of:

- noticed the problem

- attached to process with strace

- performed ls



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