* Dave Korn (2005-10-26 19:34 +0100)
> Thorsten Kampe wrote:
>> * Dave Korn (2005-10-26 17:48 +0100)
>>> Thorsten Kampe wrote:
>>>> * Christopher Faylor (2005-10-26 15:37 +0100)
>>>>> Or, I dunno, if that works, you could just use "mount" and forget
>>>>> about regedit entirely. 
>>>>> It's a crazy idea, I know.  I wonder why no one has thought of it
>>>>> before. 
>>>> *I* didn't know about it (because I was under the impression that all
>                                                                      ^^^^
>>>> cygwin programs depend on the mount tables).
>     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  
>>>> Well, obviously there are a few that don't (mount, [...SNIP!...]
>                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^ 
>>>   Let me see if I can parse those last two sentences:
>>>   You didn't know about using "mount" to manipulate the mount tables
>>> because 
>> I did not know that I could successfully /use/ the mount program (for
>> creating mount tables when no mount tables are available and
>> "hklm/hkcu/cygnus solutions" doesn't exist.
>   You didn't?  You _said_ that you did, when you wrote "I was under the
> impression that all cygwin programs depend on the mount tables .... Well,
> obviously there are a few that don't" and listed "mount" as one of them.
> That's why I nominate this thread for a TITTTL award: every time you post, you
> contradict something you said earlier.  Sometimes you even manage to
> contradict yourself just between paragraphs within one post!

Dave, you can repeat it one gazillion times but - logically,
rhetorically and whatever - there *is no contradiction* in what I

"*I* didn't know about it (because I was under the impression that all
cygwin programs depend on the mount tables)."

Translation: I did not know until today (or yesterday) that you can
use mount and other utilities "standalone".

"Well, obviously there are a few that don't (mount, cygcheck, ash (?),

But as of today I know (because I tried it today - encouraged by CGF's
encouraging support and Svend Sorensen's batch script).

There is no contradiction, except in your fantasy.
>> (When you try to run a cygwin app in that situation it normally
>> complains it cannot find cygwin1.dll and doesn't know where "/" is
>> Is that so hard to grasp?!)
>   It's only hard to grasp because it's completely incorrect.  Look at what
> you're saying: you claim that the mount tables are necessary to load the
> cygwin1 dll?

Did I say that? I mentioned two common error messages without making
any dependencies between them.

>   Just to prove it:  I renamed both the HKCU and HKLM trees on my machine to
> "Cygnuts Solutions" and then did this:
> ---------------------------snip---------------------------
> C:\Documents and Settings\dk>regedit
>    [  did renaming.  no cygwin apps or services running now.  ]
> C:\Documents and Settings\dk>cd \cygwin
> C:\cygwin>cd bin
> C:\cygwin\bin>bash
> bash.exe: warning: could not find /tmp, please create!
> bash-3.00$ ls
> bash: ls: command not found
> bash-3.00$ /bin/ls
> bash: /bin/ls: No such file or directory
> bash-3.00$ /usr/bin/ls
> bash: /usr/bin/ls: No such file or directory
> bash-3.00$ pwd
> /cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin
> bash-3.00$ ./ls
> 822-date                            gs-x11
> ApplySnapshot                       gs.exe
> CleanLog                            gsbj
> DllPlugInTester.exe                 gsdj
> [    ... snip ...    ]
> ---------------------------snip---------------------------
>   There's an important point here.  Before claiming that a piece of software
> does or does not exhibit a certain behaviour, DON'T JUST GUESS - TEST IT AND
> SEE!

Why should I? *You* tested it for me. And proved me _right_. I said
"when you try to run a cygwin app in that situation it normally
 complains it cannot find cygwin1.dll and doesn't know where "/" is".

You tried "ls": result as I said.
You tried "/bin/ls": result as I said.
You tried "/usr/bin/ls": result as I said.

You tried what one normally tries and got my predicted results.

Even your "./ls" "trick" (I know it's not a trick) wouldn't have
succeeded if you would have tried to run some app in /usr/bin or
/usr/local/bin. You know what you would have gotten?: "cannot find
cygwin1.dll". Amen.

Let me repeat: I never said that no cygwin app is ever going to run
without a mount table. I just said that they won't work the way they
normally work.

Apart from your artificially constructed example here is a REAL LIFE
example what I get when I try to run my shell without a mount table:
>>> you thought that all cygwin programs depend on the mount tables ....
>>> except for "mount", which you already knew didn't depend on the mount
>>> tables? 
>> I DID NOT KNOW THAT when I created my solution for running Cygwin from
>> a USB drive a year ago. 
>   Yes, but you did know it today, when you wrote the post in which you
> contradicted yourself....
I knew it today in the post in which I didn't contradict myself.

But maybe my mistake was that I believed CGF:
"All cygwin programs rely on the mount table." 

I know: now you will make a big noise about the difference between
"relying" and "depending". I don't care. All I know that cygwin apps
don't work (they way they use to) without the mount table.


/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:1: failed to load
module: zsh/parameter
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:1: failed to load
module: zsh/parameter
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:2: failed to load
module: zsh/parameter
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:2: failed to load
module: zsh/parameter
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:31: failed to load
module: zsh/zle
autoload failed
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:32: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:33: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:34: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:35: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:36: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:37: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:38: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:39: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:42: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:43: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:44: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:45: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:49: failed to load
module: zsh/zle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:zle:49: autoload
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:50: command not
found: zle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:51: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:52: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:56: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:57: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:218: failed to
load module: zsh/zle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:234: zrecompile:
function definition file not found
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:234: zrecompile:
function definition file not found
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:234: zrecompile:
function definition file not found
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:234: zrecompile:
function definition file not found
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:234: zrecompile:
function definition file not found
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:234: zrecompile:
function definition file not found
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:234: zrecompile:
function definition file not found
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:235: command not
found: rm
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:1: command not
found: dircolors
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:278: command not
found: stty
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:279: failed to
load module: zsh/rlimits
autoload failed
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:1: command not
found: id
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:294: compinit:
function definition file not found
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:296: failed to
load module: zsh/zle
autoload failed
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:297: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:298: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:299: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:300: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:301: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:302: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:303: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:304: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:305: failed to
load module: zsh/zle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:305: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:306: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:308: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:309: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:310: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:311: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:312: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:313: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:314: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:315: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:317: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:318: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:319: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:321: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:323: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:324: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:325: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:326: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:327: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:328: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:329: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:330: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:332: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:334: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:335: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:336: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:337: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:339: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:340: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:341: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:342: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:344: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:345: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:346: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:348: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:349: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:350: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:352: predict-on:
function definition file not found
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:354: command not
found: zle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:355: command not
found: zle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:356: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:357: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:358: command not
found: bindkey
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:359: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:360: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:362: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:363: command not
found: zstyle
/cygdrive/e/cygwin/home/thorsten/.config/zsh/.zshrc:365: failed to
load module: zsh/zle
autoload failed
zsh: failed to load module: zsh/zle

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