On Fri, 2 Dec 2005, Peter wrote:

Thanks for your quick reply.  It gives me a bit more to think about; I
don't really know my way around cygwin/*nux that well, from the
administrative end; I've just been an end user for a long time.

> How exactly do you invoke screen?  Does "setsid" work for you?  Does
> "nohup"?  IIRC, bash also has an option for controlling whether
> background processes are terminated on exit...

How will I know whether setsid is working?  I tried setting the setuid
bits via chmod, but I don't know what I'm doing other than that.  I'll
try nohup and look through the shell documentation for options.  I'm
either invoking screen from the command line as my user, or as SYSTEM
(by scheduling a cmd window with the NT "at" command).  This works okay,
but the process does not persist.

"setsid" is a program like "nohup" that dissociates a process from the
console.  It has nothing to do with the setuid bit.

I've tried running it as a service like so:
        cygrunsrv -I screen -p /usr/local/bin/screen -a '-d -m'
        cygrunsrv -S screen

I get the hanging, plus it runs as SYSTEM unless I add the options to
run it as myself.  Now that I think of it, perhaps I need to add -i for
interactive; I'll try that.

You might also run something that'll switch user context before running
screen (e.g., su).

> What is the error message when screen runs as SYSTEM?  I suspect it's
> a fifo permission issue...

I haven't figured out how to get the error messages out of cygrunsrv
processes, but I should be able to figure that out and get back to you.

By default cygrunsrv logs program output to /var/log/PROGRAM.log and to
the Windows Event Log.  Check in both places.

I know that it runs okay up to a point as SYSTEM because it creates a
new S-SYSTEM directory in /tmp/uscreens and creates fifos there (which I
can investigate post hoc by taking control of the directory).

Does "chmod 666 /tmp/uscreens/S-SYSTEM/*" help?

> As for hanging does it consume CPU at all?  Try attaching to the
> process with strace and seeing where it hangs.

Will do.

> If you wish for others to try reproducing your behavior, please post
> the "minor changes" you mentioned above (as a patch).

Here you go.  Like I said: very minor changes.  More intelligent changes
are almost certainly possible, but I don't really have time to read
through the source code and figure things out much more.  Have other
people done more meticulous patching?  Most patches I googled are now

Thanks, I'll try to build with this patch later.

Hope you get screen working correctly.  Once you're able to do that,
please consider contributing screen as a Cygwin package.  See the
"Contributing" section of the Cygwin web page for details.
     |\      _,,,---,,_         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'            Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
   '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL      a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

If there's any real truth it's that the entire multidimensional infinity
of the Universe is almost certainly being run by a bunch of maniacs. /DA

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