On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 11:09:05PM +0100, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Dec  2 20:38, Eric Blake wrote:
> > > I'm trying to create a file (on NTFS) with a CR in the name and getting
> > > ENOENT; is it possible for this to work (without a managed mount)?
> > 
> > Welcome to Windows.  None of these non-portable characters are
> > supported in filenames except in managed mounts.
> Just to push the point a bit, note the words "non-portable".

I did do a bit of looking around before posting, and saw the *?/\<>|:"
characters mentioned in several places, but not the 0-0x1f characters.
Now, I've looked more and see those officially verboten as well.
(Though I also saw a page that documents how 8.3 filenames are formed
and seems to say that the *?/\<>|:" characters *are* possible in NTFS

is interesting...

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