On Fri, 23 Dec 2005, Kyle S. Allender wrote:

> Morning all.
> I am experiencing a problem with Cygwin @ startup.  After having to do a
> rebuild on my local XP system, reinstalling Cygwin went fine until I
> encountered this message when starting the Cygwin environment:
> CreateFileandSetSecurity failed with FALSE (Expected on FAT Partitions) GLE: 
> 32
> CreateFileandSetSecurity failed with TRUE (not expected) GLE: 32
> [snip]
> I apologise for the repetition, but that is what is displayed at the
> start of the xterm session.  The Cygwin bash shell provided much the
> same, but I was unable to capture that portion.
> I have attached the output of:  cygcheck -s -v -r as per the posting
> instructions.
> I _think_ this is a problem with my domain account, but I'm not certain.
> I'm not concerned with accessing domain resources from within Cygwin, so
> that can be bypassed if necessary to resolve the issue.
> This was working OK until about a week ago when I was having problems
> with my domain account.  The admin was helping me sort it out, and while
> no one says that my domain account was actually deleted and re-created,
> I cannot be certain that that is indeed the case.
> A friend has suggested that what I am seeing is the result of the SID
> changing on the domain account - indicating my account's been rebuilt.
> However, no other applications are being affected in this way at this
> time - that I know of.
> So...
> Can someone out there give me a hint on what might be wrong here?  I
> created the group and passwd files with these commands:
> mkpasswd -l -s > /etc/passwd
At a guess, here's your problem.  This flag completely omits the SIDs from
/etc/passwd.  When you omit SIDs, there is no way for Cygwin to map your
user id back to Windows security mechanisms, so any attempt to use ntsec
(which is on by default) will fail.  This has nothing to do with the

Did you mean to use "-d" instead of "-s"?

> mkgroup -l > /etc/group
> The passwd file initially contained a pair of the lines from the message
> above when run with mkpasswd -l -d > /etc/passwd, but I'm not certain as
> to why.

Running any Cygwin program (including mkpasswd) would probably result in
the above message if the SIDs are missing.  Just rerun the command, delete
the offending lines, and see if it fixes your problem.

You could try confirming my guess by running "CYGWIN=nontsec bash" before
regenerating /etc/passwd -- if I'm right, you shouldn't see these

> I _really_ hope someone out there ends up telling me I'm missing
> something obvious, but this particular error does not appear on Google
> that I can find and the Cygwin docs don't point it out either.

      |\      _,,,---,,_            [EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_            Igor Peshansky, Ph.D. (name changed!)
     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'           old name: Igor Pechtchanski
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL     a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

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