When I repeatedly issue "du -sk ." within seconds of each other, the
results are different, and there is no process running that could be
changing the contents of the directory.  Here is an illustrative

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] /c/Documents and Settings/All Users/Start Menu
   ###  Here are the files in the directory
   $ ls
   Cygwin Bash.lnk*  Fast VNC.lnk*  SomeProgram@  Programs/  Tight VNC.lnk*

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] /c/Documents and Settings/All Users/Start Menu
   ###  First try:
   $ du -sk .
   394     .

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] /c/Documents and Settings/All Users/Start Menu
   ###  Note: bash's extglob is set, so
   ###        !(Programs) means everything but Programs
   $ du -sk !(Programs)
   2       Cygwin Bash.lnk
   1       Fast VNC.lnk
   0       SomeProgram
   1       Tight VNC.lnk

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] /c/Documents and Settings/All Users/Start Menu
   $ du -sk Programs
   442     Programs

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] /c/Documents and Settings/All Users/Start Menu
   ###  Second try:
   $ du -sk .
   450     .

I simply captured the output above and added comments, but the problem
is not repeatable.

I am using an installation that is not quite up-to-date, but haven't
been in a good position to upgrade due to very intermittent access to
high speed (i.e. not in my home).  I will upgrade at my next
opportunity.  I'm running Windows 2000 on NTFS.  Relevant details from
"cygcheck -cvs" are:

   Windows 2000 Professional Ver 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

   Cygwin DLL version info:
     DLL version: 1.5.10
     DLL epoch: 19
     DLL bad signal mask: 19005
     DLL old termios: 5
     DLL malloc env: 28
     API major: 0
     API minor: 116
     Shared data: 4
     DLL identifier: cygwin1
     Mount registry: 2
     Cygnus registry name: Cygnus Solutions
     Cygwin registry name: Cygwin
     Program options name: Program Options
     Cygwin mount registry name: mounts v2
     Cygdrive flags: cygdrive flags
     Cygdrive prefix: cygdrive prefix
     Cygdrive default prefix:
     Build date: Tue May 25 22:07:00 EDT 2004
     CVS tag: cr-0x5e6
     Shared id: cygwin1S4

"du --version" yields: du (fileutils) 4.1
A Setup Package Search reveals that has been superceded by

Since upgrading is nontrivial for me at present, I was trying to find
a history of release notes to see if this problem has been solved in
the cygwin versions since my current one.  A search of the archives
revealed a confusion with blocking factors in the late 90's, but not
the same problem.  Thanks for any other information about this.  In
particular, if there is an on-line history of release notes that
captures this, that would be even better.  Even if it does not
capture this, such a set of notes would be very useful.


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