Russell K Montgomery wrote:
> I have installed cygwin on a new Windows XP box and when I run Cygwin I
> do not get output from commands on the terminal.  The only way I can get
> the output is to redirect stdout to stderr "ls -l 1>&2"

  That's the wackiest bug I've heard of in a while!  Does the same happen in a
rxvt window and in a DOS box, or is it only one or the other?

> I have used Cygwin for several years on Windows 98 and for the past year
> on another Windows XP box but have not seen any behavior like this.  I
> have searched the archives and not found any reports that are similar to
> this behavior.  Have I overlooked something?

  No, this is utterly unique and bizarre, and it's very hard to imagine how it
could even begin to happen.  Maybe someone's gone and created a real file
called /dev/console and it's messing with i/o because it's not a special
device node?

> I'm attaching the results of "cygcheck -s -v -r > chgcheck.out"

  Well, I'd get rid of the set of clashing unix-alike tools that you have
installed under C:\bin, for a start, or at any rate remove them from the $PATH
setting, and then give setup.exe a quick re-run to give it a chance to re-do
anything that might have gone wrong last time.  Otherwise this is going to be
definitely a tricky one to track down.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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