On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 12:32:37PM -0500, Murray Eisenberg wrote:
> Sorry, I should not have asked about where to put the downloaded files; 
> of course that would not matter given that the argument to tar includes 
> the path to the downloads.
> BUT:  The "How do I install snapshots?" FAQ answer is still unclear.  It 
> says:
>   Before installing a snapshot, you must first Close all Cygwin
>   applications, including shells and services (e.g. inetd, sshd), before
>   updating cygwin1.dll....
>    1. Download the snapshot, and run:
>       cd /
>       tar ...
>       cd /tmp
>       tar ...
>    2. After closing all Cygwin apps (see above), use Explorer or the
>       Windows command shell to move C:\cygwin\tmp\usr\bin\cygwin1.dll to
>       C:\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll.
> So once again I ask for clarification.  I really do think it's a very 
> simple and perfectly straightforward question: Does one run those 4 
> commands in Step 1 from a Windows command prompt or from within Cygwin?

Not from a Windows command prompt.

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