On Mon, Jan 23, 2006 at 02:56:39PM -0500, Igor Peshansky wrote:
> Moving to cygwin-apps, as this is likely to get technical.
> On Mon, 23 Jan 2006, Brian Dessent wrote:
> > Igor Peshansky wrote:
> >
> > > I've looked at this a bit.  Here's the weird part: the error says
> > > "Uncaught Exception", but all the throws of that exception appear to be
> > > properly wrapped in try/catch blocks.  So a simple "change exception into
> > > an mbox" kind of solution won't work here.  More debugging is needed.
> >
> > The reason for the box is that the md5 checking was changed to run in a
> > different thread than originally designed (now in the main thread
> > instead of the download thread IIRC) and that thread does not have any
> > particular catch handler for that exception, only the TOPLEVEL_CATCH
> > which punts with the generic error.
> Do you mean packagemeta::ScanDownloadedFiles() calling
> packageversion::scan(), which calls check_for_cached()?  Then yes, this
> isn't properly wrapped in a try/catch.  I'd like to verify that this is
> the culprit (when someone sends me the corrupt tarball), but I think I see
> a proper fix for this.  Will submit a patch shortly.

Just to reemphasize, these are *not* corrupt tarballs.  They are
tarballs exactly as downloaded, extracted, and installed.  It's just
that later the versions on the cygwin mirror became different while
keeping the same version/filename.  I verified in a couple of the
cases that the newer version actually had executables rebuilt, with
slightly different file sizes and timestamps.

I don't think I have any of them around any more, but if you were to
pick a current tarball in your local package directory and un-bzip2 it
and re-bzip2 it with a different compression level, you should see
the problem.

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