Op Wed, 25 Jan 2006 07:41:45 -0700 schreef Eric Blake
in <43D78E29.4060504<at>byu.net>:
:  According to Bas van Gompel on 1/24/2006 10:11 PM:

:  First line: This could be rewritten "exec /bin/ksh 5<&0 <<EOSH".  Either
:  way, you are replacing the current shell with an invocation of /bin/ksh,
:  and with fd 5 set to your current stdin, and then with fd 0 set to a pipe
:  supplied by the contents of the here-doc.

So far so good...

:  Now ksh gets through the following input on stdin:
:  echo "First exec: Done."
:  exec 0<&5

:  At which point, the second exec says take fd 5 and dup it into fd 0 (in
:  other words, restore your original stdin from before the first exec back
:  to ksh's stdin).  POSIX requires that ksh reads its input from stdin a
:  line at a time, so the very next line it reads will be whatever you type
:  (if the original stdin happened to be a terminal).  Only ash is buggy here
:  (no big surprise, ash is usually the least POSIX-compliant of the shells);
:  ksh, zsh, and bash are all doing what is required of them.

I (now) understand what's happening. I think it's undesirable, though.

I think the shells should redirect the input for the executed programs,
/not/ for itself. (Could this be an exploitable vulnerability?)

: > In ash it prints ''

: >   First exec: Done.
: >   Second exec: Done.

: > '', as I expected. Compare p.e.

:  Your expectation was wrong.


: > === begin testexec2.sh ===
: > #!/bin/bash
: >
: > echo 'echo "First exec: Done."
: > exec 0<&5
: > echo "Second exec: Done."
: > exit 0' |exec 5<&0 /bin/bash
: >
: > ==== end testexec2.sh ====
:  Here, you are doing something slightly different.  The last line is a
:  pipeline, which must be applied before redirections.  Which means that you
:  are exec'ing /bin/bash, with fd 0 set to the pipeline from the echo, then
:  fd 5 copied from fd 0.  When the second "exec 0<&5" is reached, you copy
:  fd 5 back to fd 0, but since it was the same fd, it was effectively a
:  no-op.  Therefore, /bin/bash continues to read the next line from fd 0,
:  and successfully prints "Second exec: Done."

Right, my bad. Following shows the same (odd, IMO) behavior.

=== begin testexec2b.sh ===

exec 5<&0
echo 'echo "First exec: Done."
exec 0<&5
echo "Second exec: Done."
exit 0' |exec /bin/bash

==== end testexec2b.sh ====

I can work around this effect using -c, but thought it best to report


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