On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 11:43:29AM +0900, djh wrote:
> Has a fix been found for building emacs on the new cygwin versions
> 5.19 and up yet?
> There is at least one problem with d_ino as you know.

I thought you said you'd worked around that (though you didn't
share what your actual changes).

> An possibly another, since temacs crashes with a stack dump,
> during bootstrap.

I saw you made a partial report of this, and but didn't see any
response to the person who tried to help a step further in your
investigation via gdb.
> cygwin distribution has an early emacs in it.  Will it still run on
> the newer 5.19 versions? Has any regression testing been carryied out?

> Has anyone been assigned to look into these problems?

s/been assigned/volunteered/ you mean?

Nobody gets assigned or paid to do anything, unless perhaps through a
RedHat support contract.

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