On Feb  8 00:06, HASHI Hiroaki wrote:
> > Thanks, but the patch isn't exactly "trivial", so we would need a 
> > copyright assignment from you and, possibly, from your employer.
> > See http://cygwin.com/contrib.html.
> Oh.
> I regard my employer as not agreeing.
> I hope, anyone re-write a patch and appling it.

I'm going to change that, no worries.

> > Why isn't it sufficient just to replace wcstombs by a call to sys_wcstombs?
> > The filename can't be longer than 255 wide chars so the result won't be
> > longer than 255 chars, right?
> I am given to worrying.
>   - 'FileName' teminated by NULL, really?

No, you're right, FileName is not 0-terminated on return from
NtQueryDirectoryFile.  I inspected our sys_wcstombs implementation again
and it makes at least two invalid assumptions.  I'm going to rework our
sys_wcstombs function.  You should see the fix in the next snapshot.

Thanks for the hint,

Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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