On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 06:07:11PM -0000, Dave Korn wrote:
>On 14 February 2006 17:35, Tischler, Ron wrote:
>>From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Brian Dessent
>>Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 8:01 PM
>>"Tischler, Ron" wrote:
>>>I am trying to use Cygwin to write a PC application that calls the
>>>function named FtpCommand.  Microsoft documentation that I found online
>>>says that there is a header named wininet.h and a library named
>>>wininet.lib to link in.  On my PC, under the Cygwin stuff, I see
>>>wininet.h, but not wininet.lib.
>>Cygwin does not use .lib files, and the naming of libraries is that of
>>unix.  So you use -lfoo to link with libfoo.a (or sometimes
>>libfoo.dll.a) which is the import library for the DLL.
>>Thanks for your reply, but the makefiles that I'm using do use .lib
>>files, and things are following PC rather than unix conventions, and I
>>am already getting wininet.lib, because other stuff that is working
>>comes from there.
>"My makefiles are using the wrong input files"
>"Well, get them to use the correct input files"
>"But I don't want to change them.  Tell me how to use the wrong files

Actually, it's "But I don't want to change them because that's too
complicated.  Please engage me in a days-long back and forth email
discussion so that I can avoid this complication and painstakingly
figure out how to avoid changing my makefiles."

><smacks self across forehead with large wet fish in sheer despair>



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