Franklin Williams wrote:
Hey Guys,

I'm hoping that you can help me with a problem that I'm having.  I am
trying to install g++ from cygwin's setup.  I choose both
binary and source.  However, when I check the /usr/lib folder it is
completely empty.  Because of this, I cannot compile any of the
programs that I have on my machine.  Is this a known issue?  Do you
have any idea what I might be able to do to fix it?  If you could let
me know I would appreciate it.

A good starting point is:
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This will allow us to work out WHAT is wrong, without having to resort to WAGs.
WANFWAGs (We Are Not Fond of Wild-Assed Guesses)

However, in spite of that, there's a reasonable chance that your mount table is incorrect, primarily in that C:\cygwin\lib (or wherever you installed cygwin to) is not mounted as /usr/lib
You can check this by simply typing mount
If this is the case, try: mount C:\cygwin\lib /usr/lib

It should be noted that if one mount is broken, there's a reasonable chance others are too, so send your cygcheck output anyway, as an *attachment*, to the list.


Spinning complacently in the darkness, covered and blinded by a blanket
of little lives, false security has lulled the madness of this world
into a slumber. Wake up! An eye is upon you, staring straight down and
keenly through, seeing all that you are and everything that you will
never be. Yes, an eye is upon you, an eye ready to blink. So face
forward, with arms wide open and mind reeling. Your future has
arrived... Are you ready to go?

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