On Thu, Mar 02, 2006 at 05:29:35PM -0700, Jerry D. Hedden wrote:
>    cygwin-inst-20060302.tar.bz2 (2006-03-02 17:00 GMT) snapshot
>    apache-1.3.33-2.tar.bz2
>Apache won't start, and outputs the following in its log:
>    Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/mod_env.dll into server: Bad address
>The same holds for the 2006-03-01 Cygwin snapshot.
>Apache starts properly with the 2006-02-27 Cygwin snapshot.
>(Apache installed using setup.exe.  Cygwin snapshot are full
>distributions (inst=full), and installed using procedure in

This problem should be fixed in the latest snapshot.


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