I am trying to run the Windows version of gVim from a bash script using
the 'run' command.

Starting gVim directly (i.e., without using 'run') works:
    '/cygdrive/c/program files/vim/vim64/gvim.exe'

Using 'run' works if I 'cd' to the gVim directory first:
    cd '/cygdrive/c/program files/vim/vim64/'
    run gvim.exe

However, the following fails:
    run '/cygdrive/c/program files/vim/vim64/gvim.exe'
with the following dialog box:
    Error: Couldn't find "/cygdrive/c/program files/vim/vim64/gvim.exe"
    I even looked in PATH
    I also tried appending the following extensions:
    [2]: .exe

Likewise, the following also fails:
    run -p '/cygdrive/c/program files/vim/vim64/' gvim.exe
with the following dialog box:
    Error: Couldn't find gvim.exe anywhere.
    I even looked in PATH
    I also tried appending the following extensions:
    [2]: .exe

What am I doing wrong?

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