
this problem only concern shells run by cron dameon. By running shells manually
they always work. Every scripts logs in general log file that is access by every
croned shell and each of them use temp files for their business. The scripts
call generally database command interpreters for very short queries.

We use cygwin for 2/3 years on NT4, Windows 2000 to run admin bash scripts.

On NT4 no problem at all, whatever we do, everything is fine.

On Windows 2000, we got sometimes croned processes that stayed stuck. It was
random and not depending on service pack or CPU load, as it could happen on
an idle machine or a very busy server. In every problem, the request is finished
and the database command interpreter has exited. Only remains the cron, the sh
and the bash processes, all of 3 idle. A simple kill pid is sufficient, have to
kill -9 pid to get rid of them.

Generally, we run about 6 jobs every quarter. Cronning them simultaneously
increases the chance of having a process stuck. By moving the differents
executions of few minutes it works well.

Until Janurary 2006, we were using an old version (1.5.3-1). When we installed
the 1.5.19, all the windows 2000 problems disappeared !

Since we installed on Windows 2003 (SP1 or not) few weeks ago, the same problem
came back. So I got my own croned job garbage collector that avoid having 50
bash.exe/sh.exe and cron.exe in the air after one month of execution.

I browse for a long time the mailing lists and google and so on.

If you have some advices or questions, ...

Thanks for your help

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