Eric Blake wrote:
$ cvs co test
cannot mkdir /tmp/cvs-serv3172/.
No such file or directory
This was a bug in Cygwin 1.5.19, which returned the wrong error code for
creating this directory, and CVS didn't know to ignore it.  Try a

It wasn't the 'wrong' errno, so much as a different errno than Linux
used in the same situation, and a bug that still exists in CVS for
blindly assuming that only the Linux errno will be used even on
non-Linux platforms.  POSIX allows any number of errno
returns when more than one simultaneous error condition exists.

Well now. That's news to me. I thought it WAS a pure cygwin bug, not a misinterpretation of POSIX by the cvs guys. After folks discovered the errno issue and it was "fixed" in the cygwin snapshots, I said "I don't want to clutter up the cvs sourcecode with a workaround for a bug that's already fixed. We'll just wait for cygwin-1.5.20"

Given Eric's explanation, that was the wrong decision. Given the controversy over cvs-1.11.21, I'll release an update of cvs-1.11.17 with a workaround for this...difference of opinion? as soon as I can. Which would be sooner if someone sent me a P to TC.


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