I find a full screen console for each monitor is the way to go. the programme 'screen' is a better way to juggle multiple windows than any grpahics window manager in my experience, Mac OS X has nice transparencies, but it doesnt interoperate with X11 very well (at all afaik).

 On Thu, 18 May 2006, mwoehlke wrote:

Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 11:02:42 -0500
From: mwoehlke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: cygwin@cygwin.com
Subject: Re: console question

Do you use a 640x480 screen? Full screen for a console sounds like a grand
waste of field of vision.

Eh, I *love* my full-screen consoles... sooo much text you can see at once! Of course, I also have no fewer than... um... four ;) monitors here.

Hey, buddy, if it's OT, TITTTL!

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Robin-David Hammond     KB3IEN

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